Solutions for Closely Held Businesses and Partnerships

Almost inevitably, closely held businesses will face over time a daunting array of highly charged challenges, whose roots go to the heart of their founding partnerships. These challenges tend to exceed the standard and customary complexities of day-to-day enterprise. Just to name a few…

    • Partners’ competing personal and financial needs
    • Tensions around power, position, and authority (to say nothing of compensation!)
    • Striking a balance between independence and interdependence among partners
    • Sustaining the esprit d’ corps, collegiality, and sense of commitment to one another and the business over the long haul

At PLC, we can help business partners overcome barriers to success—such as unresolved conflicts and strategic or management stalemates—so that they can jointly operate and maintain a successful business, while reaching their personal and common goals. Our expert consultation can help you:

    • Communicate and problem solve more effectively
    • Optimize your leadership to maximize your business results
    • Align your organization around your business strategy
    • Attract and retain superior talent

To learn more, download our relevant White Papers here:

Does your closely held business partnership have what it takes to sustain success over time? See where you stand on  13 Critical Success Factors for Closely Held Business Partnerships. Take our brief survey.